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The exhibition “Traces and Masks of Flight“, State Gallerie Lower Austria, Krems, 12th September 2020 -26th September 2021

All six self-portraits by Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich in the exhibition in the Landesgalerie NiederösterreichFour self-portraits by Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich in the exhibition in the Landesgalerie NiederösterreichThree self-portraits by Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich in the exhibition in the Landesgalerie NiederösterreichThe photo of NinaWR in the shuttle bus during the journey to the exhibition opening from Vienna to KremsVisiting the exhibition after the three months of lockdowns in March 2021NinaWR in front of her paintings in the exhibition in March 2021Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, NinaWR and their self-portraits in the exhibitionNinaWR in front of the two self-portraits with MNS mask for a moment under her chin