The annual exhibition of the group "Children and Teenager draw with Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich", October 2020
The exhibition “Traces and Masks of Flight“, State Gallerie Lower Austria, Krems, 12th September 2020 -26th September 2021
Exhibition "Apeirogon, part I", silvia steinek galerie, Vienna, October 2020-January 2021
Exibition „Oktagons“, galery “ega:women in center“, Vienna, October 2019
Photos Nina Werzhbinskaja-Rabinowich, 2020-2021
The exibition „Hieronimus Bosch and other absurdities“, watercolors from Nina Werzhbinskaja- Rabinowich and design jewerly from Gerti Machacek, studio Gerti Machacek 17.11. - 19.11.2017
Exibition at the gallery "derkunstraum", Vienna, 9.6. bis 20.6.2017
"Children and Teenagers Create Art with Nina Werzhbiskaya-Rabinovich", Pavlachen Art Gallery in the University of Vienna, 12.5. - 20.5.2017
Exhibition „Painter = Model“, gallery ega: women in the center, Vienna, January – February 2016
Workshop Watercolors „Still life“, Hotel Hochschober, Carinthia
Exhibition "Speak, Memory" at the country house and museum "Rozhdestveno", Russia, July 1 to September 30, 2014
Exibition "NinaWR in Oil" at the Galery Kunstraum, October-November 2013
Long night of museums, Vienna 2016
Long night of museums, Vienna 2013
Long night of museums, Vienna 2012
The Imperial Furniture Collection in Vienna
"Scattered All Over The World", Jewish women artists hosted by Inselgalerie Berlin, 26.10.-19.11.2011
2009 studio
April 2009 Masterclass at the Hermitage, St. Petersburg
April 2009 Exhibition at Hermitage, St. Petersburg